Tahaul Hussein Lana, who was convicted in the Mumbai raid, has run out of legal options to avoid delivery to India. This has removed the disability to face the terrorist attack, one of the most fatal terrorism attacks in the world.
The 2008 terrorist attack shook the country's financial capital Mumbai. At least 166 people have died of an attack by the prohibited organization Rashkare Taiba (LET).
The only attacker Ajimaru Casab, who was alive and captured, was the only guilty person executed in this case. In addition, two masterminds have not been judged yet, and Lana is one of them.
The other is a Said Zavi Din Ensari, also known as Abu Jun Dal, an Indian operative who worked in Rashkal, a terrorist organization. He was arrested in 2012 after identification by Casab and is currently imprisoned in Mumbai.
Who is Tahauul Lana?
Lana was a Canadian from Pakistan and used to work as a Pakistanian doctor. He knew in advance about the raid, and the federal jury was convicted in 2011 for providing physical support for Rashker.
He was also known as David Hedry, a Pakistanian American, one of the main conspirators of 26/11 attacks. Lana and Hadrid were arrested by the FBI in 2009, planning to attack Denmark's newspaper company. During the interrogation in the United States, Hadrid visited India five times between 2007 and 2008, using a five -year visa that Rana helped with her acquisition. Was revealed in front of the Indian police officer.
Hadrid also stated that he had established an immigrant company to hide his identity with Rana's help in Rashkar's role in the Mumbai raid. He testified that Lana gave him all the logistics and economic supports he needed.
To prepare for the attack, Lana visited Mumbai with his wife and later stayed at the Taj Mahal Hotel, which was the target of the attack.
Lana delivery is not only legal, but also a long -term diplomatic struggle for India. The government had the first request to be delivered to the United States in 2019 for the first time. For the next six years, India repeatedly pursued the matter with US authorities while Lana was searching for legal options.
Last year last August, a lower court ordered his delivery, and a breakthrough was opened earlier this month by the Supreme Court. Currently, the authorities have rejected the request for screening and removed all legal disorders for his delivery.
read: From terrorists to economic criminals: 5 fugitizers that India aims to deliver
Since 2019, India has claimed that Lana is a mastermind of 26/11 attack.
In the defense, Lana was attempted in a District Court in Chicago in the Mumbai raid, but argued that he could not be judged in other countries for the same crime in other countries in accordance with the delivery treaty between India and the United States.
However, the U.S. Secretary of Justice said in court that all allegations on Lana, who is seeking Lana to hand over, is not subject to the U.S. government's prosecution.
What is next?
Legal disorders have been processed, and it is a matter of time that Lana is handed over to India.
His delivery is not only a big diplomatic victory, but also an example of how people can escape the law after committing a crime. His interrogation in India will help Indian police clarify new details and missing parts.
Regardless of whether it is related to the 26/11 attack, if an investigator finds some clues from Lana, the case may be resumed. If someone avoids crackdown radar in the past, you may face a new investigation.
Mr. Lana is the aide of the Pakistani spy institution ISI, and bringing him to India will allow Indian institution to access what has happened behind this conspiracy. Former police chief PK Jane said.
“Lana knows the activities of ISI and Pakistan molecules in the United States and India. He will be a treasure trove of information. I am convinced that Indian institutions can dig up a lot of important information from him.” He said. NDTV.