

Associated Press Warps What Vance Said About Shootings

The Associated Press sparked a huge backlash Thursday when it apparently misquoted vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance on school shootings.

Speaking at a rally in Phoenix, Governor J.D. Vance said he hated it was bad news that school shootings had become “all too common” and called for increased security.

“If these psychopaths are going to target our children, we have to be prepared for that,” Vance said. “You don't have to like the reality we live in, but it's the reality we live in, and we have to deal with it.”

When a reporter asked Vance what the country could do to stop the shootings, he called for increased security.

“I hate that this is real,” Vance said, “but if you're a psychopath and you want to make headlines, you realize that schools are an ideal target. We need to beef up security in our schools, because if a psychopath wants to walk in through the front door and kill kids, he can't do it.”

Instead of reporting exactly what Vance said, the Associated Press initially reported only that he called shootings “a fact of life.”

Following heavy backlash, the Associated Press reversed its headline and reporting, saying, “J.D. Vance laments school shootings as 'everyday occurrence' and calls for better security.”

The AP later said the post “replaces an earlier post, which was removed, to add context to a partial quote from Mr. Vance.”

In a statement to Breitbart News, Vance spokesman William Martin said this was an example of fake news about the Republican Party.

“This is another example of the fake news media brazenly lying about a Republican politician. Senator Vance said the exact opposite of what the Associated Press claims,” ​​he said.

“It's no surprise that the Associated Press has lost all the credibility it had a few years ago because they will literally lie about anything to support the Democrat Party, while Kamala Harris is calling for all police officers to be removed from schools, putting children across America at risk. This is yet another example of how Kamala Harris' weak, failed and dangerously liberal policies make her unfit for office,” he added.

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