

Rebecca Minkoff Says She Didn’t Intend For Pregnancy Rumor To “Trick” ‘RHONY’ Fans: “It Wasn’t A Prank”

Rebecca Minkov's debut season Real housewife in New York City The end of the formal end -and the busy fashion designer to advertise the paperback release of her reminiscence Bold fear The collaboration of the Super Bowl with sports journalist Erin and Ryu looks back at some people considering the first experience of a mixed OTIC on real TV.

After participating in the Bravo series in Season 15 as a “friend,” Minkov managed Brin Whitfield.

“She felt like she was trying to emerge from people to create disputes and entertainment that people wanted,” said Minkov. “Do you think you will stand up because you are tying up, for example, you can visit one of my three houses and talk.”

Minkov -Like her castmates, she didn't contact whis. whitfield after the wrapped shoot -to see who and Erin Riche planted a wrong story in a friend group and see who first spread it. I also responded to Erin Riche. The trailer of the season 15 announces rumors that she is pregnant with another man's baby, as if she were a big drama for this season, and to find a “leaked pigeon”. When it turns out, the fans are angry.

“I thought with my non -production -oriented heart that the audience would be involved in it and would be taken for a trip,” said Minkov. “It was to find a liar. It was to find a pot Starler … and the audience did not bring it, and they were deceived, but it came out, but that was the case. I think no one was upset. “

Minkov also chatted the decisive decision on the recruitment of the season 15, the feud with Rich, and the new business venture of her exciting. See the complete interview below.

Judgment: I am also very excited to talk to you. It was just after that we spoke for the first time Ronnie The trailer is coming out, and the last part of the reunion is now being broadcast.

Rebecca Minkov: Can I see all the gray hair hidden by my hair mascara?

Oh, what a hell. Looking back, how do you evaluate your experience?

I feel that my experience when my experience had happened was very different from what I saw. And I go, “I understand, what did I do in a different way?” Most of the season indicates that I am not quiet. Masu. And I don't know, “Why did you do that different? Why did you look more active than you thought?” I don't know that there is an answer to it, but I think it was probably more frank in some things, and I said that my opinion told me more than someone who responded later. I did it.

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The finale episode was really dark, but in the mixed chaos, you were trying to confirm that everyone was eating. Did you frequently enter mom mode with the group?

If I watched the video as a whole, I was cooking, as I had in my camera. I was literally like “Let's eat a baby”. When my baby is fighting, they know if they need to sleep or have food. So, I wasn't involved in the theme of the battle, so it was like me. So I was like putting food in front of the entire travel.

You were just trying to calm it down.

I'm just trying to calm it down. I literally entered my mother mode so that you need food. Everyone is drinking a lot. And when it happens, make the spiral incapable. And we saw it clearly happening.

I want to enter all brin of it. What did you think about everything that went down between her and Uba? Did you think that Burin's actions were intentional, or did you think she wasn't thinking before talking?

I never put what her intention was -I would never decide on it. However, what happened, and all of it, whether it is intentional whether it is intentional to make such a sexual assault into a weapon. There was no. And I think Uba's reaction to the show is the tenth, how scary she felt and how scary she was. I was in the room with her, settled her and breathed her because she wasn't breathing. She was calling for the people who were no longer around. So, when someone is in that state, when you are so, I don't think it doesn't matter what your intention is, but I don't think this will be accepted by another person.

Bulin spent a lot of the season digging into you and your business. And we see that she is neglecting Uba's modeling career. Why do you always go to your career?

Man, I want to know how things work for her. But I felt she was trying to rise from people to create the disputes and entertainment that people wanted. And I don't think I have fallen into that small thing. I was really crazy in my business. Do you think you will rise from me because you get rid of me? For example, you can visit one of my three houses and speak. And again with Uba, “Let's get up from her.” It's good for TV because she knows if Uba will react. But no one wants to see the effect. They just want to see that we are real. And I think you can lose people.

Where are you standing with Brin? Did you talk to her after shooting the reunion?

No, but I didn't talk even after the shooting was stopped. It was not before and after. There were one or two texts shared throughout the shooting. If a rat comments and the beginning occurs, “Yes, you're not my people, so I don't really need to talk to you in text messages.”

Do you think she will return next season?

I don't know. One of the things I am interested is that if someone wants to change their perceptions or worsen bad things, it is wise to return, and she really needs the help and support that she really needs. I hope you can get. And it may be wonderful to see and show people so that people can change.

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I'm really looking forward to seeing you in this week's reunion episode. I was surprised to see him going with Erin with a teaser. What has happened between them since shooting?

Oh, well. Do you have it all day? She is angry that I didn't reach out after the episode was broadcast where my father passed. We were spending the weekends. So she abandoned me all weekends, but I didn't reach out. When my dad passed, I was actually reaching out. And that was there. And I commented on her terribly that she didn't like her again, and before that, I said something sneaky about me. So I think there is a conversation that we need to have something we don't have yet.

If it works, will things be solved?

We are working on it. or not. I don't know. I don't know how to answer that question.

I also want to ask about the pregnancy mischief and Erin pulled. Many fans were not excited by the whole mischief. What is your reaction to those critics?

I have a lot of ideas and I'm glad you asked. Again, we agreed that we would probably do this, so we all participated in the ideas. I thought that in my non -producing mind, the audience would be put in it and they would be taken for a trip. It was not a prank. I hate being called it. It was to find a liar. I found a pot starler. I knew who it was, but no one else could see the text on the wall. So I thought, “Make sure everyone knows who is doing this.” And because they were deceived because the audience didn't bring them, they backfired. But if that was done, I think no one was upset. They say, “Yes, we see it, we need it now for all the other six girls to wake up.”

It makes sense completely.

And I think I was angry with a woman with infertility. And as a person who is suffering from it [it was] Probably a bad subject. I was trying to find something that I could believe somewhat when the potstarler was running together.

right. Juicy and crazy.

Yeah. And we chose my husband, you know, we have an open relationship, I am pregnant and I do not know who the father is. It seemed incredibly crazy.

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Do you want to sign out in another season in the future?

In other words, I am having a lot of deep conversations now. There is a family involved. And we just see it.

I want to hear a little about your book, Bold fear。 What is it and why did you decide to write it?

I wrote a book -originally, the published date was 2021. This is a restart of a paperback where the bonus chapter has been added. And it was a really 20 -year business, and after seeing everything I saw, when I was scared at the moment of panic, I saw a simple and memorable rule of 22. 。 Chase my dream, I should ask for a raise, should I quit? You remember these rules, I don't have to ask for permission, or I don't intend to help you. Since no one is in your brain, I ask if I need to be overly notified of my needs over time and I need to communicate what I need. intend to. Or what is the worst scenario when weigh the risk? And can you endure it? nice. If possible, jump in. It doesn't look like “I'm afraid.” And the goal is to help people in their personal life in their career. This is not a self -help book. Here are these rules here are crazy and insane stories in my life, how I apply them, and how you can get help. Really from the perspective of being here.

Of all the advice you give in a book, do you think it is most important to take it at this point of your career?

Continue to risk. “Why did you decide to do a real TV?” I “I like risks!” Despite everything you know, you sometimes go a little crazy and do it. You need to take it.

Do you have a plan to continue writing?

I think writing a book and giving birth is one of the difficulties to do. I don't have a plan now, but I never know. I'm a big day, so if you get inspired, you may have another book. But for now, that is not the case.

In addition, the collaboration with Erin Andrews, which comes out in time for the Super Bowl, is also very fun. Can you tell me a little about the inspiration behind it?

Yeah, we are a fan of each other, “What are the two worlds, how can we collide?” And she came up with this incredible jacket. And I said, “Well, I have a perfect jacket, our best -selling Tabisamoto.” And it is this oversized for women who are participating in the game or who are sports lovers. I intend to be the moment of rock and roll. And this is a way that “I love my sports, but it looks really cool.”

Photo: Getty Image

Is it true that Taylor Swift has been respectful for going to the Super Bowl for the second consecutive year and cooperating many years ago?

No, we did not collaborate, but she had carried a bag before.

I love it! Maybe she is wearing a jacket in the Super Bowl this year.

We need your prayer as we sent to her.

We are appearing! What is next to you? Are there any other exciting projects?

There are two more collaborations in the work. And I have a little slower my brain, power down for several months, and spend more time with my child because I haven't seen them enough in such a big launch. And I want to swing in the opposite direction after this.

This interview is edited for length and clearness.

You can stream Real housewife in New York City Season 15 at Peacock.
