Private college that appeased anti-Israel protesters faces major enrollment decline — and layoffs could be coming
A private liberal arts college in Boston blames anti-Israel protests for a huge drop in freshman enrollment. When anti-Israel protests erupted at Emerson College this spring, university officials went out of their way to defend student protesters, who were jailed for violating the law. “…We will need to eliminate some vacant and filled staff positions […]
Russia’s Invasion ‘Wasn’t Just All Biden’ — We Appeased Them in 2014
On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher responded to accusations that President Joe Biden’s handling of Afghanistan encouraged Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, saying, “It’s not all about Biden. He said. management. “TRIGGERnometry” podcast co-host Konstantin Kissin tells Maher:[Y]You say he treated Ukraine well and I agree with you. But in my […]