

‘Very High’ Cost of Living Has Existed ‘For a Long Time’, Before Biden

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in an interview aired Thursday on MSNBC's “11th Hour” that people are dissatisfied with their personal finances because “the cost of living is so high.” But it has been that way “for a long time”. But the inflation we've seen since the pandemic has made things even worse for so […]

DOJ Discovers Transcripts of Biden’s Biographer Interviews It Previously Denied Existed

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) acknowledged on Monday, the day after Biden abandoned his reelection bid, that it had in its possession a recording of Biden’s interview with his biographer after denying for months that the recording existed. The Justice Department told a federal judge on Monday that the recordings of Biden’s conversations […]

Egg Board says White House Easter policy existed under Trump after conservative attacks

The National Egg Board and the Biden administration on Monday dismissed outrage over the White House’s Easter egg roll and decorating contest after conservatives criticized a decades-old policy banning religious symbolism. a flyer The annual White House Egg Decoration Contest says participants “must not include questionable content, religious symbolism, overtly religious themes, or partisan political […]

Whistleblower: ‘No way of knowing’ if evidence of ‘other criminal activity’ existed about Bidens on laptop

Someone’s Lying: Jonathan Turley FOX News contributor Jonathan Turley joins “The Story” to discuss a whistleblower’s claim that the Hunter Biden investigation was mishandled. “We have no way of knowing” whether there is evidence of “other criminal activity” involving Presidents Joe Biden or Hunter Biden, according to prosecutorial guidance to “restrict” or prevent questioning related […]

Anglo-Saxons Never Existed, Claims Cambridge

In an “anti-racist” attempt to dispel alleged nationalist “myths” about Britain, the University of Cambridge is reportedly teaching students that the Anglo-Saxons never existed as a unique ethnic group. It is In an ironic development, the once-prestigious Anglo-Saxon, Nordic and Celtic School (ASNC) at the University of Cambridge, England, is now dismantling the very idea […]