Ex-social worker, already accused of sexually abusing 13-year-old, now faces intimidation charges after showing up at boy’s home with gun
A 24-year-old former social worker from Ohio, accused of having sex with a teenage boy, is now accused of showing up at the boy’s home with a gun. As Blaze News previously reported, Peyton Shires said the victim’s mother “found out something inappropriate was going on between her son and Mr. Shires after she saw […]
Ex-social worker faked brain cancer to dodge justice after false tip councilwoman molested toddler: victim
A former social worker in Colorado fabricated an article accusing a city council member of sexually abusing his 2-year-old son and faked a brain tumor to avoid prosecution, officials said. Robin Niceta, who worked for the Arapahoe County Department of Human Services, is said to have made the false allegation after being angered by Councilor […]