

GLAAD Fascists Forbid the Word ‘Homosexual’

GLAAD’s left-wing fascists have declared a ban on the use of the word “gay.” GLAAD (short for Gay and Lesbian Something-Something) recentlyGlossary” It’s totally exhausting and I do it on purpose. This intentionally confusing 3,000-word glossary is all about one thing. The narcissist who bases his entire identity on his sex life is manufacturing a […]

OUTRAGE Ken Paxton’s salary CUT-OFF the law forbid it

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was acquitted of 16 articles of impeachment by the Texas Senate on Saturday, and Sara Gonzalez is thrilled. “What a sight to see our elected attorney general sitting in his office with his back to a sign,” Gonzalez told Paxton. Paxton is happy to be back, but admits it hasn’t […]