In bipartisan vote, House approves forestry bill opposed by Biden

In a bipartisan vote, the House of Representatives approved the forestry bill, which the Biden administration opposed. The vote was 268 to 151. Fifty-five Democrats voted with Republicans in favor of the bill. The bill seeks to exempt projects such as tree cutting to prevent wildfires from being subject to environmental review. Supporters of the […]
Jobs in the Woods Act addresses workforce challenges of forestry
The forest products industry, which includes loggers and log haulers, primary and secondary manufacturers, pulp and paper mills, paper packing plants, and paper mills, is one of the largest manufacturing sectors in the United States, supporting nearly 926,000 households and It contributes $353 billion annually to society. US economy. The sustainability and competitiveness of the […]
West Virginia man accused of arson, murder after forestry worker dies fighting wildfire
A West Virginia man has been charged with murder after a forestry worker died while trying to put out an alleged arson. A fire was reported Tuesday night in the Tucker Hollow neighborhood of Fayette County. Overnight, the fire grew to consume hundreds of acres. On Thursday, Forrester Cody Mullens was fatally injured by a […]
We must break away from the status quo forestry policies of the last 30 years
Since it was enacted 90 years ago, the primary focus of the Farm Bill has been to ensure an adequate supply of food in the country, maintain fair food prices for farmers and consumers, and promote conservation efforts on our farmlands. was to do Created in response to the Great Depression and Dust Bowl that […]