Friar ‘Tummy Tuck’ stripped of his ‘priestly’ functions
The world is not his refuge. The Archdiocese of New York has stripped Father Paul Biercki of his “priestly licenses” after he was accused of misconduct, officials said. Federal investigators say the conman, who goes by the nickname “Father Paul” and also goes by the nickname “Friar Tummy Tuck,” used at least $650,000 in fake […]
Peace of Jesus Christ ‘will drive all anxiety, every fear, from our hearts,’ says DC-based friar
“Why are you troubled? And why are there questions in your heart?” (Luke 24:38). This Bible verse is Luke’s Gospelone of the three Synoptic Gospels, is an important reminder to always trust in the Lord, a Washington-based Dominican friar told FOX News Digital. Luke, also known as the Evangelist, is widely regarded as the author […]