Biden lashes out at reporters: ‘I know more world leaders than any one of you have ever met in your whole godd**n life!’
President Joe Biden slammed reporters Sunday during an event at the White House. Fox News reported. After signing the Social Security Fairness Act, cable news networks reported that Biden fielded several questions and at one point chastised reporters. “This is who Joe Biden is…and frankly, that's what he always has been. He's an arrogant know-it-all, […]
‘F*** the suburbs’: Democrat lawmaker gets potty-mouthed on state Senate floor, adds suburbanites ‘don’t know a godd**n thing about how life is in the city’
Democratic Wisconsin Senator Latona Johnson “The suburbs are shit,” he said in a speech on the state Senate floor on Wednesday, adding that people in the suburbs “have no idea what life is like in the city.” This is how Mr. Johnson, the Milwaukee District 6 representative, is doing. (Content warning: language) Prime Minister Johnson’s […]