

My Cadbury Creme Egg is a 50-year-old family heirloom

This egg may never come out of its shell. Cadbury Creme Eggs are something of an heirloom for 53-year-old Ainsley Peters. This unopened confectionery, kept by a woman living in Ireland, recently turned 50 years old. According to the Scottish Press, the treat was purchased as a gift for Peters’ grandmother Jean on her first […]

Douglas Murray drops bombshells during discussion of Western reparations and heirloom grievances: ‘Some of us are simply a bit bored of hearing people ripping at closed wounds’

Audience columnist and author Douglas Murray recently lashed out at his fellow Piers Morgan Uncensored panelists, extorting them from the West over the crimes of long-dead people and creating a universal sense of guilt. He condemned the continued efforts by opportunistic ideologues to ignore the cold reality of Murray said people no longer want to […]