

‘Elon Musk Is Wrong’ on H-1B Middle-Class Outsourcing

Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) on Thursday criticized the government's H-1B outsourcing program, saying, “It's never cheaper for companies to hire guest workers from overseas than to hire American workers.'' “Don't do it,” he said. Sanders is an old-school leftist, more focused on: economic redistribution Rather than the diversity and governance progressives that currently dominate the […]

Donald Trump Signals Support For H-1B Outsourcing

President Donald Trump is being held back by his supporters after he once again sided with investors' unpopular demands to replace American workers with more H-1B visa workers. “My mind hasn't changed,” he told reporters at an impromptu press conference in Florida on Dec. 31. I have always felt that this country needs the most […]

‘Dumb’ to Oppose H-1B Job Outsourcing

Colorado's left-wing governor, Jared Polis, calls it “stupid” to oppose the H-1B program, which would put thousands of tuition-paying foreign graduates into careers that require well-trained Colorado graduates. He said that. police said CNN's Caitlin Collins said on December 26th: Look, we have a world-class university here, the University of Colorado Boulder. [and] Colorado State […]

Investors Push H-1B ‘Wage Floor’ Fix for White-Collar Outsourcing

Pro-immigration groups have responded to public outrage over revelations that the H-1B visa program takes advantage of low-wage Indians to corner millions of ordinary American college graduates. The government began promoting revisions to the lower limit. Outsourcing expert says H-1B modification is 'just a fake' Ronil Hilla he told Breitbart News. Advocates “believe that humans […]

Exclusive | ‘Hypocritical’ NYC union wants to ban hotel outsourcing –

The city’s powerful labor unions, which are pushing legislation to ban New York hotels from outsourcing certain front-line jobs, have noted that records show they have routinely outsourced administrative work at their Manhattan headquarters, including to non-union companies. According to records filed with the U.S. Department of Labor, over the past 10 years, the Hotel […]

Biden Admin Outsourcing Energy Policies To Unelected Blue State Bureaucrats

The Biden administration is effectively allowing unelected California bureaucrats to make energy policy decisions with far-reaching implications. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) Extraordinary The federal government has asked the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to enact certain environmental regulations that go beyond federal rules, and the EPA has granted CARB waiver requests during President Joe […]

Disney Outsourcing Some Animation to Canada amid Drastic Cost Cutting

With its reputation as an animation powerhouse in jeopardy, the Walt Disney Company outsources some of its animation work to Canada amid drastic budget cuts and layoffs in an effort to reverse the once-formidable studio’s slump. It is reported that he is doing so. Disney Animation Studios is actively producing animation. IwajuAccording to , the […]

Weak point: Feds must stop outsourcing research security to universities

Legendary bank robber Willie Sutton was quoted as saying he robbed banks “because that’s where the money is.” Similar to Sutton, China’s communist regime targets American research universities. This is because many of America’s cutting-edge research results are located there. America’s research enterprise, developed in universities and funded by federal research grants, remains highly vulnerable […]

Trump is outsourcing his Iowa campaign to surrogates — and his voters totally understand

MARION, Iowa — It's a crucial state in Iowa, but former President Donald Trump, the likely frontrunner in next week's Republican caucuses, is largely absent. Trump, 77, has used high-profile surrogate mothers, including his eldest son Don Jr. Arizona Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake. Former HUD Secretary Ben Carson is typically busy elsewhere dealing with […]