

Tips that can help you prevent overpaying on your property taxes –

Everyone has to pay taxes, but no one should pay more than their share of the tax. Many homeowners can benefit from property tax appeals. National Taxpayers United Foundation Reports suggest that between 30 and 60 percent of taxable real estate in the U.S. is overvalued, meaning roughly the same number of homeowners are overpaying […]

Teamsters pension fund returns $127M to Treasury after overpaying almost 3,500 dead participants

The Teamsters pension fund returned $127 million in overpayments to the U.S. Treasury this week — months after an internal investigation revealed nearly 3,500 dead members in its kitty. Thomas Nyhan, executive director of the Central States Pension Fund, which handles retirement benefits for the International Teamsters Association, announced the repayment amounts Monday as part […]

Plug in your address to see if you’re overpaying for internet

The router is years old, but I don’t think about it because I just keep it there and connect it to my devices. Before upgrading, be aware of the following: You need something that supports Wi-Fi 6. Your router and modem will probably be fine until the internet goes down. The correct way to reset […]