

Snowy owl makes rare NYC appearance

Huh? A snowy owl was spotted swooping into Shirley Chisholm State Park over the holiday weekend, making its first appearance in the Big Apple in years. The rare sighting prompted curious photographers, bird watchers, and wildlife enthusiasts to brave the winter weather to catch a glimpse of the majestic yellow-eyed bird at the Fountain Conservancy […]

Owl Comes Down Family’s Chimney to Perch on Christmas Tree

The wide-eyed creature recently decided to pay a surprise Christmas visit to a family in Arlington, Virginia. Family was shocked when they realized that a black owl had come down the chimney like Santa Claus and taken up residence in their house, WUSA 9 reported on friday. The Burgoynes recorded the owl flying around the […]

owl descends chimney and perches atop family Christmas tree

Oh my god. Surprising photos reveal that a barred owl descended from the chimney of a home in Arlington, Virginia, and made its very own seasonal perch atop a Christmas tree. A spotted owl sneaked into the chimney of a Virginia home and built a nest there. On the family Christmas tree. Animal Welfare League […]

Beloved NYC owl Flaco’s official cause of death revealed

Flaco, the beloved eagle owl that was roaming freely around the city after escaping from the Central Park Zoo a year ago, died of “acute trauma,” according to newly released autopsy results. wildlife conservation association will be released on Saturday Details of the first post-mortem of a feathered local celebrity. It came a day after […]

New Yorkers mourn loss of beloved Flaco the owl

New Yorkers are mourning the loss of Flaco, a beloved Eurasian eagle owl who escaped from the Central Park Zoo a year ago and has been flying freely around the city ever since. Fans of the iconic creature expressed sadness following the death of Mr. X, who crashed into a building on West 89th Street […]

Flaco, New York City’s beloved owl, dies after striking building | US news

Flaco, the eagle owl that escaped from New York City’s Central Park Zoo last year, died after crashing into a building in Manhattan, officials announced late Friday. Flaco collided with a building and fell down. west 89th street People then reported the injured owl to the Wild Bird Foundation (WBF). statement Here’s what the Central […]