Out-of-touch brass, outraged staffers and pure pandemonium
On the day of news website Messenger’s demise, insiders painted a chaotic scene of checked-out bosses and furious staff. Some of them had already been “fired” because they didn’t trust CEO Jimmy Finkelstein. Accounts from several of the roughly 300 journalists fired during the start-up’s bankruptcy on Wednesday showed that high-paid editor-in-chief Dan Wakeford and […]
Wrecked by pandemonium, the GOP has lost its sense of history and sense of self
After a weeks-long and often contentious process, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) passed it unanimously last week. Was chosen He was elected Speaker of the House by the House Republicans to replace Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). In an instant, everything changed and nothing remained the same. What was different was the occupant of the spacious chairman’s […]
Mississippi gator hunters bag a record-setting leviathan after a 7-hour battle: ‘It was pandemonium. It was chaos.’
there was a record configured and certified In August 2017, the longest bagged alligator was found in Mississippi. The beast weighed 766.5 pounds and measured 14 feet 3/4 inches from tail to nose. It turns out that an even larger monster still lurks in the darkness. Inspired by where “especially territorial” crocodiles over 12 feet […]