

Democrats accuse food, beverage companies of ‘profiteering’ through ‘shrinkflation’

Two Democratic members of Congress sent a letter to some of the nation's largest food and beverage companies, saying their companies are “compromising their profits” through “shrinkflation” (reducing the size of products while keeping prices the same or raising them) and “tax evasion.” “They are profiteering,” he said. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Madeline […]

Daily Caller Columnist Mary Rooke Rips Big Medicine Over COVID Profiteering

Daily Caller columnist Mary Luke on her talk radio show on Wednesday squarely rejected Big Pharma’s “commercial” motives and detailed the importance of the station’s new documentary, “SICK: Unmasking Big Medicine.” Luke appears on “The Joe Paggs Show” and is behind the new documentary “SICK,” which delves into the layers and motivations of America’s medical […]

VA’s eyewear upsell: Profiteering at the expense of veterans

fox news report Veterans need new talent Can be used Megane is a for-profit company based in Kentucky. PDS optical. According to Fox, the company has implemented a quota system that has been used to pressure employees to buy more expensive glasses for veterans, whose costs exceed comprehensive medical benefits. . If you use ill-fitting […]