Google to require prominently disclosure of AI use in election ads
Amid the growing threat of misinformation posed by explosive technology, Google is asking all “all verified election advertisers” if their ads use artificial intelligence. “Clearly disclose,” the tech giant said. Company’s Updated policy on political content – Takes effect in November, one year before the 2024 presidential election – Ads that use “inauthentic and synthetic […]
Transvestite flashes fake breasts below White House’s prominently flown Pride flag after taking photo with Bidens
Then-candidate Joe Biden ahead of the 2020 election claimed“We need to restore honor and courtesy to the White House.” Nearly three years later, at the National Picnic, President Biden unveiled the fruits of his proposed restoration efforts. Rose Montoya, a 27-year-old transvestite actor who accused TSA, was among the hundreds of activists who gathered at […]