Punxsutawney Phil Has Made His Groundhog Day Winter Prediction
The Ground Hog Handler AJ DEREUME has seen his shadow for another 6 weeks during the 139th Ground Hog Day Festival held in Penchtonie, Pennsylvania on Friday, February 2, 2025. It holds the Punk Stonie Philharmonic. (Photo: Jeff Swensen/Getty Image) OAN staff ABRIL ELFI 12:00 pm -Sunday, February 2, 2025 PUNXSUTAWNEY PHIL makes winter weather […]
Punxsutawney Phil Says More Winter Ahead
Don't clean up those winter Uren. Punxsutawney Phil looks at his shadow on Sunday, predicted the six weeks of winter weather, and his most hatched handler is a noisy, recorded crowd with chilly goblas knobs in Pennsylvania. It was announced. AP Report The Parky Wood Chuck was welcomed by the chant of “Phil, Phil, Phil” […]
Punxsutawney Phil predicts 6 more weeks of winter in Groundhog Day tradition
Pennsylvania's “Official National Meteorological Students” Punk Stoney Philharmonic, seeing his shadow on Sunday morning, predicted a six -week winter. The fun opportunity on Sunday was the 138th prognosis in Punk Stoney in Jefferson County. The festival began at 6 am at 6:00 am, and Phil appeared in an enthusiastic crowd at 7:22 am, increasing the […]
PETA proposes cake for Groundhog Day, instead of Punxsutawney Phil
PETA proposes a “open weather” cake instead of ground hog. PUNXSUTAWNEY Philharmonic on the day of this year's ground hog. This organization, known for the protection of animals, believes that Phil is exploited during the annual winter vacation. In response, they sent a letter to PUNXSUTAWNEY Ground Hog ClubPrior to this year's celebration on February […]
Pennsylvania gov rebuffs PETA’s demands on Punxsutawney Phil: ‘Come and take it’
Governor Pennsylvania, Josho Shapiro, sent a letter to the Punk Stoney Ground Hog Club, and then counterattacked the ethical treatment of animals on Friday. PUNXSUTAWNEY PHIL came out of his burrow for the prognosis of February 2. “Come and take it,” Shapiro tweeted accordingly New York Post Story About Peta's request. Shapiro's spokesman, Manual Bonder, […]
PETA issues swap deal: Punxsutawney Phil for a vegan cake
Peta Punxsutawney Groundhog CLUB has urged the Punxsutawney Phil to remove PunxSutawney Phil from the Groundhog Day duties. Animal activist organization We are not planning to leave the club empty -handed, but provide a weather with weather instead of him. In a letter to Club Chairman Tom Dunkel, non -profit organizations offered cakes in exchange […]
PETA wants to replace Punxsutawney Phil with ‘weather reveal cake’ on Groundhog Day
Get our pigs! Peta activists are seeking Punxsutawney Phil, the most fluffy weather forecast in the region, on a celebration of the annual ground hog day on Sunday in Pennsylvania. Animal rights organizations sent a letter to the PunxSutawney Groundhog Club to provide begunant. This imitates what the gender of BABY reveals. His family is […]
PETA calls to end Groundhog Day tradition, retire Punxsutawney Phil with cake alternative
The ethical treatment of animals (Peta) calls for the loved American tradition, and to replace it as a “delicious” vegan alternative. Animal Rights NonProfit Organization is trying to replace the tradition of ground hog day with a vegan “public” cake. Peta announced a proposal in the news release on January 20. “PETA will deliver delicious” […]
Babies of Punxsutawney Phil and groundhog wife Phyllis have been named

Punxsutawney Phil’s two new baby groundhogs have names perfect for Groundhog Day. The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club Inner Circle announced on Mother’s Day that the girls and boys groundhogs will be named “Sunny” and “Shadow.” TMX said the public submitted hundreds of name suggestions after the puppies were born in March, which the club considered. The […]
What does Punxsutawney Phil do the rest of the year?
Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania (ABC4) — Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his burrow Friday to show the world what’s to come for the rest of winter.he I couldn’t see his shadowwhich means early spring is approaching. When Phil isn’t predicting weather outcomes, he can be found in man-made burrows with his wife, Phyllis, or appearing as the guest […]