Mexico takes Ecuador to top UN court over embassy raid in Quito
Mexico has accused Ecuador of violating international law by attacking the Mexican embassy in Quito. Tensions between Mexico and Ecuador have escalated following attacks that occurred after Mexico granted asylum to convicted criminal Jorge Glas. Latin American leaders criticized the attack as a violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Mexico on Tuesday sued […]
Mexico wants UN to suspend Ecuador over its police raid on the Mexican embassy in Quito
MEXICO CITY (AP) – Mexico’s president said Thursday that his country is asking the United Nations to remove Ecuador from the world organization as part of its appeal to the U.N. Supreme Court over last week’s attack on the Mexican embassy in Quito. Stated. Tensions between Mexico and Ecuador have been rising since last weekend, […]
In Quito and Harare, advice and warnings about dollarization for Argentina – Reuters
QUITO/HARARE/BUENOS AIRES, Nov 23 (Reuters) – From Zimbabwe’s capital Harare to Ecuador’s Quito, green banknotes circulating on streets and shops bearing portraits of the U.S. president choose dollars over other currencies. This reflects a big choice. A local currency that provides economic stability. The two countries offer lessons and warnings to Argentina, the latest country […]