Petro y el historial de presidentes que han despertado dudas por su estado de salud – Gobierno – Política
The participants of the public event kept a record of photo opportunities with Casa de Nariño and had various reunions at the gathering of new parliamentary secretaries at the Ceremony of the President Gustavo Petro Reapalleción. Event protocols should explicitly outline a safe agenda and cancel activities on a safe schedule. Discover Rhodilla Raspada and […]
Andrés Calle, el ‘caballo de Troya’ del Gobierno para reforma de la salud – Congreso – Política
As president, Andres Cole matched the response of parliamentarians and public liberals with the public’s opinion on reforming the Trojans film.Personal activities of ESA corporación For 49 years, we have maintained a cooperative relationship with Mr. David Lacero, Mr. Del Pacto, and the Vanguard President, supporting the activities of government agencies. (Le Sgelimos: FReforms to […]
Reforma de la salud: los votos claves fueron los de los liberales y el partido de la U – Congreso – Política
Liberal Party and “La U” policies need to be phased in, with initial discussions in Parliament VII to ensure reform and government approval. There is no safe order for police projects. (Puederea: “Gobierno’s Mission to the Policy Subcommittee”: Andres Forero) The Mayor, as the representative of “Rojos” and “La U”, will lead the discussion and […]
Representante Alfonso asegura que fue tergiversada en viabilidad de reforma de la salud – Gobierno – Política
Martha Alfonso (Alianza Verde), leader, political leader, and representative of the reform movement; There is no need to discuss the concept of funding. (Puede version: Reforms to solve solutions: Has the problem been solved?) “There is no demand for Requiera. There is no need for reform through redistribution.”Alfonso respuesta, que feu asmida como un desconosimiento […]
Futuro de la reforma de la salud se resolverá tras elecciones: ¿qué viene? – Congreso – Política
Un 49 ciento de la Reforma de la salud quedó aprobada después de dos intensas sesiones a principio de semana. Political issues and irregular presidential elections media aim for successful operations in the Senado.(Puede version: There is no need to reform fiscal policies, we need to promote administrative management of haciendas) On the 6th, we […]
Reforma de la salud: preocupan vicios de trámite por falta de viabilidad fiscal – Congreso – Política
Anche en la Plenaria de la Representatives of President Gustavo Petro’s political reforms, See 35 articles on Probados, Colombia You don’t need to do anything. Alianza Verde representative Martha Alfonso, please continue your activities. Confirmation of late arrival on October 9th, duration of first project discussion “La reformation no tien un concept de viviridad financiera […]
Reforma de la salud: ¿para qué sirvió la subcomisión? Habla Andrés Forero. – Congreso – Política
source link Would you consider subcommissioning for reform? video Hello. !, Tu Correo Ha Sid Verificado.Ahora Puedes Elegil Los boletine Please review important information. bienvenido I have Creado to Cuenta en El Tiempo. Customize and customize. Verify your environment electronically No touch-ups are necessary, but you don’t have to touch up your carpet. No, cambial […]
Reforma de la salud: ¿qué pasó con la subcomisión para concertar texto? – Congreso – Política
The Subcommittee on Concerts provides text and no information on reforms.President Andres Cal, liberal Andres Cal, establishes the highest power, fulfills political responsibilities, promotes intrigues, establishes politicians who promote politics. , provides information about the initial discussion, This issue must be resolved before starting the analysis. (rear: “The Reformation is a reform aimed at realizing […]
Juan Guillermo Cuadrado descartado por el Inter por problemas de salud – Fútbol Colombiano – Deportes
Eliminatorías Sudamericanas Rumbo Al Mundial Rumbo Al Aranque de las Eliminatorias Sudamericanas Rumbo Al Mundial・Rumbo Al Mundial Arrangement, Perro los Enfrentamientos Dejarón Algunas Noticias Defaborable, Principalmento Las Lesion of Yerry Mina and Juan Guillermo Cuadrado.(Le puede interesar: Tragedy: Medalista Olympique Muere Tras Caer de un Piso 17). An introduction to the fight against Chile, Yerry […]