Toronto’s “anti-capitalist” cafe “The Anarchist” has announced that it will permanently close after just over a year of opening.
In a moment “no one foresaw its arrival,” Toronto’s cafe I will explain The store, an “anti-capitalist, anti-colonial cafe, shop and radical community space on stolen land,” announced it will be permanently closed by the end of this month.
To combat the idea that the business itself is a capitalist enterprise, the cafe introduced “pay as you can” coffee. According to the owner, this cost the business money, but was allegedly subsidized by the more expensive drinks on the menu.
But for owner Gabriel Sims Fewer, this wasn’t enough to keep the coffee shop alive. write in This week, “Unfortunately, the lack of intergenerational wealth and seed capital from morally bankrupt sources has made it difficult for me to survive the quiet winter season, nor to find the necessary methods for long-term sustainability. I couldn’t even grow up in.”
“Connecting with so many great community members, sparking much-needed debate, raising the blood pressure of conservatives (including you ‘anarch-capitalists’ and ‘libertarians’), and a dream come true for most service workers. It was a wonderful experience to realize Experimenting with living and working in ways that don’t have to tolerate the existence of professional class rebels (pigs and military men) and who don’t embrace the sheer misanthropy of capitalism enthusiastically,” he continued.
“Fuck the rich. Fuck the police. Fuck the state. Fuck the colonial death camps we call ‘Canada,'” the statement concluded.
Anarchist, which began operations in March 2022, has gone viral among internet users in the last year. ridicule This left-wing café is known for charging high prices for “specialty” coffee and selling “radical” art, books, clothing, jewelry, tote bags, stickers and more.
One Twitter user said, “Rest in peace Marx and Engels. If an anarchist coffee shop in downtown Toronto charged $4 for coffee in your name, you would love it.” .
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