

Biden ‘Tainted’ His Legacy, Ruined Family Name — Americans Will Never Forgive Him

Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary said Thursday on Fox News Channel's “Outnumbered” that Americans will never forgive President Joe Biden for his term in office.

Mr O'Leary said: “I think we should honor his first 46 years of work and what he gave the country. Unfortunately, his legacy will be one that everyone will remember for a long time.'' As for the metrics that will remain, the most important one, border security, has been tainted by the collapse of our country's standing in terms of foreign policy and inflation, brutalizing average American families. They're not going to forgive him for that.”

He added: “This morning, 70% of the people feel that way. Now, 20 years later, you think, Nixon, he's gotten a little better from that situation — same thing with Carter. I don't think they're going to forgive Joe Biden. And I think he tarnished his family's name, for example, wondering if Biden could be on the board of the Smithsonian Institution. I don't think they would do that. breath I think he tarnished his own brand by pardoning a child. And I don't want to bash a man who served so long, 50 years. But he did it to himself. I didn't let him do these things. He did it to himself and made a lot of mistakes, and people are not going to forgive him for his third and maybe his fourth son. But that’s the truth.”

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