

Driver says NHL star Johnny Gaudreau, brother were drinking before fatal accident

The driver who was accused of killing NHL's star Johnny Gordrow and his brother Matthew in New Jersey last year is fighting to throw his prosecution -both brothers on bicycles are both fatal hits. He claims that he was more drunk at the time of the run. To report.

44 -year -old Sean Higgins detailed the blood alcohol concentration of the Gaudro brothers in the new court document submitted on Tuesday, and called for lowering his accusation. reported

The 44 -year -old Higgins ran a half -d'An -d'Ans beer before being fatally injured by the Columbus Blue Jacket hopcaster and his brothers while riding a bicycle last August in Oldman's Township, New Jersey. It is said.

The court claims that NHL's star, Johnny Gordro and his brothers had been drinking tragic hit and run last year in New Jersey. KATIE GAUDREAU/Facebook

It was stated that the driver's blood alcohol concentration was 0.087 %. Beyond legal restrictions, court documents have been stated.

The test showed that Johnny's blood alcohol concentration level was 0.129 % when he was killed, but his brothers had 0.134 % reading.

According to, Higgins 'lawyer did not discuss with new submissions that Gaudreau Brothers' blood alcohol concentration played all roles in the crash.

The court documents do not claim that the brothers had broken the law at the time.

Instead, the submission requires additional information about how the measured value was collected. The outlet reported that his defense team plans to request the judge to reject his level.

“These applications are indispensable to guarantee that the client's constitutional rights are protected and are not treated unreasonably based on the amount of advertising advertised. We believe it is essential, “said lawyer Richard Kleinberger III and Matthew Portella.

The double tragedy created a national headline after two brothers were killed the night before their sister's wedding.

Sean Higgins
Gaudreau Brothers' blood alcohol concentration details were included in the court document submitted on Tuesday. AP

The trials only intensified when the family revealed that Madelin, the widow of Matthew, had become pregnant with his first child at the time of his death.

Their son was born at the end of last year.

On the other hand, the development of the case occurs after Higgins refused last month's petition agreement and eventually acknowledged many accusations. Negligence and death and car murder.

If he was convicted, he is now facing over 60 years behind the bar.

The Gaudreau family lawyer did not comment on the latest court.
