

From BLM Activist to Conservative Social Media Sensation: Meet Xaviaer DuRousseau

The following content is as follows Plagger。 This is the first three -part series.

Social media sensation Xaviaer durouseau is an activist of a former BLACK LIVES Matter who “accidentally picked it red” while watching the PRAGERU video. New show,, In respect, Xaviaerand Plagger

In the show, Duroseau jumps into pop culture and politics through the lens of a person on both sides of the political passage, and uses his quick wisdom and humor to disassemble his relevant topics from his unique perspective.

In recent interviews, Durousseau has become a personal background, who he was, how he became a conservative, and what he is doing now.

Where did you grow up, and what was your training?

“I was born on the South Side in Chicago -Engroswood,” said Durosus. “And my family moves in the middle of the none of Cornfield in a town of about 10,000 whites when I was two years old, and why they did it. I wanted to give me a better opportunity to live away from crime. “

“The growth was interesting,” he added. “I was 95 % white in this town, but I was sent every summer and weekends in South Side Chicago. This is about a 5 -minute walk from Oblock, the most dangerous area in South Side Chicago. I was really interested in finding myself when I was able to grow up in both. I felt that my family would always be at the forefront of my life. I was telling me.

Durosso told him that his parent Relative grew up to him, saying, “Don't trust white people -whites are blue eyes and red head devils.”

“And that's why I felt that I had to be a liberal because I focused on the race I grew up, I had to be a Democratic member, I had to push the wake -up idea. He didn't say the end of the black.

DUROUSSEAU continues:

Another reason I woke up was that I was very popular when I was 95 % white in this town. I was a truck team captain, home come king. In my community, there were people who didn't like me for that. Because the children are just JE.

And those who didn't like me, their immediate people, were just immature children -they always comment on my race, call me N words, and to me You will say ignorant things. I had some incidents that actually hated crimes. Someone tried to run me by car and shouted, “Die, N”. There was also a case where someone put my friend in a car and tried to escape me from the road. They would have called me N words and told me to get out of the town.

At that time, I was young and I didn't know much about the world, so I knew about the world only in the world where I lived, and it was a small town. And since I was dealing with these types, I believed how the country works, and this is the system of the whole system.

However, with growth and maturity, I have a significant difference between individual racism between people and people, and systematic problems that need to be dealt with large scale. I recognize it. Looking back, I have come to understand that there are racist, but ultimately the average American and the majority of this country oppose racism. It's stupid to think that systematic racism is still a trope in this country. Because we have been excluded from now on.

“And it's interesting, because most of the children I think were the most racist for me.

What was the urge to draw you into the Black Life Matter Movement?

Durosso explained that his father had been “for the fact that he was not dark enough” by his father.

“We are Creol and have the characteristics of very bright skin inferiority. So his father had the same complexion as me, but my father is as light as white, but he is again. He has Afro Sentrick features, “he said.

“After being denied for the skin color, he always felt the need to prove how black he was,” said conservative influencers. “And I feel that my emotions are sticking to other members of his family.

In high school, Durosau realizes that all of these white people are talking about the need to be educated about black history and black culture, “and” major groups that have more black history in school. ” I started.

George Floyd March in Walnut Creek, California in 2020

“When I went to college, it was the same feeling,” he added, quoting the involvement of the Group of Illinois to complete the essential ethnic research class for students to graduate. I asked for something.

“I was so stubborn that people needed more education about black life and victory,” said Durosus. “But to be honest, it was my anxiety, because I felt that I was not enough black and I didn't know enough black culture.”

He continued:

I always advertised black people's life issues from high school, even in front of George Floyd. So when everything happened in George Floyd in 2020, I felt this was what I had talked about, what I have promoted. America for blacks.

And for seven years, I was a supporter of such a voice online, so all my friends were looking at me that I should be the leader of the community. So I was marching. I helped some people organize them in their small town -all of those types. And I felt this was where I belonged. I thought I was really on the right side of history.

George Floyd March in Walnut Creek, California in 2020

“That leads to my red pillary experience …” Durosso was teasing.

Viewers can tune to see “Shortage, XAVIAER” YouTube And Prageru.comOr with Prageru's free mobile app. This show has two live episodes every week, which is aired every Tuesday and Thursday at 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm (East Standard Time).

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