

“Historia viviente” de la Revolución de EEUU en el hogar de Washington

Humo, Espada and Mosquete, Coloridos Uniforms, Tricornios and Cañones, the peaceful place of Mount Vernon. George washington borbieron otra bes a casa general tropas.

Experience the best of the world as you enjoy your first glimpse of the world for the British Empire’s Independence Day. No…there’s no Halloween. You can learn some magic tricks. Continue your passionate volunteer work to preserve history, to preserve the ancestry of our ancestors, to demonstrate the “living history” of the Estadunidens Revolution. .

Aim to balance entertainment with symbolic events, historic history, and historical facts from EEUU’s early presidents. De la Guerra de Independencia Estadounidense (1775-1783).

In order to solve the various problems of the XVIII era, I will provide the best medical care and prepare the tools necessary to continue my activities over the long term. After a long experience as

Lo único que rompe la ilusión son los «civiles» que pasean móvil en mano entre las tiendas de camaña, los puestos de artesanos y los bendedores, que ofrecen desde pinturas, enseres, pipas, instruments para escribir y juguetes, hasta lociones, afeites y In 1700 it should be converted into Colono Americano de los Años.

Los puestos mas populares son las pastelías et las panaderias, que suellen bender todas sus existencias de que acaben los dos dias del fin – De Semana de la Guerra Revoluciória en Mount Vernon. «Study of Historical Research», Study of Mary Wilson in America, Mansion Museum of Washington, Capital of Philadelphia, Leader of Elementary Education in Potomac, Virginia.

Wilson said the Mount Vernon march is “well prepared to do a safe job” and a 300-year-old safe job.

Experienced Experiences, Rodeans of May 4th and May 5th, Life in the Manor, Martha’s Activities in Washington, Activities in the Demonstration of Byres, Research in Ceramica and Medical Techniques, «cirujanos Description of England Shelter”.

Centro del Campo et Frente al Frente al Hogar de los Washingtons, Se also la Replica en Tamaño Real de la Tienda Cu El General. Del Ejercito Continental United States Como Cuartel General. «

«Reproducing activities in Washington. Start a revolutionary revolution with very important tasks and extended periods of time. Correspondence with the Mayor is real: a private reunion, a solitary sharing of information.We have thought a lot and will show you the results», explicitly VOA Check out McKinley, Philadelphia Museum of Revolutionary History’s Voluntary Action 24 Years Later, and see original information.

La exhibición exhibición itinerante forma parte del proyecto «La primera oficina oval de EEUU», que «ofrece a los visitantes la oportunidad de examinar lo quesignifica el deber cívico (…) El Experimento estadounidense exige que la gente investigue su pasado», que «ofrece a los visitantes la oportunidad de examinar lo quesignifica el deber cívico (…) El Experimento estadounidense exige que la gente investigue su pasado» – Anderson, Philadelphia Museum “Historical Interpreter”.

Enjoy entertainment at the General Meeting in Washington, the meetings of the British and Continental Congresses, and long-running activities in realistic history.

Preservation of tropas in Philadelphia, los campamentos, detras estans las «cosinas» al aire libre y las carpas administrativas y de los oficiales.

Imagine the real world, in a real environment, and understand exactly the outcome to find the best moments.

Sacrifice the autonomy of the military, collaborate with other companies, gain experience as a safe educational institution, and do your best to ensure the safety of the public. Cinco, porque siempre debe permanesar uno de guardia.

Combat recreations and artillery demonstrations are momentary esperados to gain a “living history” experience. Los Enfrentamientos et Escarumza is Bando Atraentre Uno Yotro Bando Atraen in the mayoral elections.

A normal son in infancy decides on a normal situation with a large group and ultimately decides whether the result will be obtained or not. Son el corazon de un ejercito. Mientras del lado británico Son muy reconocibles por el color rojo de suuniforme – de ahí lo del famoso «¡ Que vienen las casacas rojas!»-, el Ejércitocontinental de Washington luce varios colores, pero predomina el azul oscuro, en reverse con las Tropas del Rey Jorge III.

There is no entertainment for those who attend alone or enjoy various events. Also included is Batala’s Durante. Supports the normal activities of soldiers and personnel, lavender, cocina, enfermeria, logistics, etc. Battles will take place in various situations, and the activities of Los Herridos and Levando Agua Durante La Axión will take place.

Enjoy recreation at various locations in EEUU and have fun with the Trese Colonias Americanus. Volunteers who take on the role of mayor have at their disposal various U.S. and military strategies, explore historical possibilities, and provide education to collect valuable materials. The best Celebraciones del Pasado in Legan.

“Los mas curiosos, los niños. We thank you Asercan and Raman: “Soldado, soldado, enjoy the competition with Washington?”, you in uniform and in military uniform , speaks Spanish and Spanish. With the 2012 Continental Desde, I am free to enjoy my greatest hobby.
