

New York Post’s Caitlin Doornbos wins award for Ukraine reporting

Kaitin Dawn Boss, a correspondent in New York Post, won the prestigious journalism award on Tuesday night and was bravely embedded in Ukraine in Ukraine, which was devastated in the war last year. I got it.

DOORNBOS's Corresponding Press -Including the dispatch from the battlefield and the repair base of a secret weapon- New York News Zens Club Marie Corbin Award for foreign communication.

She and other award winners were fet in an elegant reception at the New York Athletic Club in Manhattan on Tuesday night.

“What I could do from Pentagon is so many things. On the spot to show the readers in New York that this is a fight for democracy and that this is a free world. I had to go, “said 32 -year -old DOORNBOS in an enthusiastic acceptance speech.

“This is not only what we can throw, but it disappears. This is what we need to care about.”

New York Post Kate Lindone Bosch is eager to the New York front page award in Ukraine. Caitlin Doornbos/NY Post

In February 2024, Dawn Bosch reused billions of dollar weapons from “garbage” because Congress helped with the Congress two years after Russia first invaded the country. I revealed that I was forced to do it.

In another work, when Russia's jet was ROA overhead, he faced the “Reality of the rough war”, and the forefront soldiers told her that “our freedom is worth dying.”

Before won the award on Tuesday, Dawn Boss, dressed in Nine in a flowing pink gown, thanked the audience's mother that she was “in the corner of her.”

Later, she praised the editor -in -chief Keith pool and the political editor Sam Chembalen, with her opportunity to get ambitious young writer in the Midwest.

Dawn Boss was embedded in the army while writing a dispatch in a war in Ukraine.

“”[The Post] To show this blonde reporter in Kansas to show the world to know what I am talking about, and to know that Ukraine is worth fighting. I believed, “she said.

Dawn boss with Ukrainian soldiers and cats during the report on war.
Caitlin Doornbos/NY Post

Later, she said, “The post increased the role of” tabloid journalism “, and is responsible for cities, nations, and world leaders, examing how we can provide information and entertain you. Examples to have it. “

“I am very grateful to work in a news outlet that believes in the value of sending reporters to a very dangerous place to help readers understand how the world's events directly affect them.” She said.

DOORNBOS was part of New York's “the most tired journalist” and said that it reported everything, from sexual trafficking to bad temperament and gun violence.

“When you write your story, you are doing what you are doing, so know that you are as courageous as the forefront,” DOORNBOS edits with reporters. I told the audience of the person. “Because I think someone cares, and it will change this world.”

Caitlin DOORNBOS gave a speech while accepting the prestigious journalism award. Jules Corderoy/New York Post
Post of Katherine Don Levi, Jules Cordeloy, Nikki Mascari Rotty, Erin Gimer, Kaitrin Dawn Bosch, her mother Shannon Staps, Kate See Hee, New York's Club of New York Awards ceremony. Jules Corderoy/New York Post

It also includes journalists who won awards in other categories this year Debla Kamin The New York Times that revealed abuse in the real estate world Somini Center In addition, the New York Times has been working in more than 50 countries including 10 conflict zones.

Before joining the post, Dawn Bosch reported from Pentagon about the stars and stripes of military newspapers and worked as a criminal reporter in Lawrence, Kansas and Orlando, Florida.
