

Sex Change Treatment for Minors Is None of Your ‘Goddamn Business’

On Thursday, MSNBC host Chris Hayes said on his show “All In” that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Florida) would give freedom to his family due to a Florida law banning gender reassignment therapy for minors. He said he believed he was infringing. Here’s a partial transcript: Hayes: Ron DeSantis’ dystopia. The authoritarian vision is most […]

Not One Republican ‘Doing a Single Goddamn Thing to Protect Democracy’

MSNBC host Nicole Wallace said on her show “Deadline” Monday, as Tennessee legislators debated ousting two members of the House of Representatives, “to protect democracy.” No Republican does “one terrible thing,” he said. Wallace said, “This is a Republican problem. The Democrats have done nothing wrong other than they are not fighting like the Republicans. […]