

‘I will never see again’: How just two weeks on birth control left a young woman blind

Chelsea's painter Davis was blind when she was only 19 years old, but it wasn't the result of the accident. Rather, it happened after she was prescribed a contraceptive.

“I started taking contraceptives, because all small protestants girls do it. Ally Bes Stackie “Familiar”.

“I wanted to have a real conversation with a primary care doctor. When I entered, I said,” I wanted to choose safe, effective, and ethical. She and her. I was not interested in having a conversation, “Davis explains. The doctor wanted her to “take a prescription and leave.”

Davis felt very uncomfortable, and despite her unprecedented questions, she decided to get a prescription and leave.

“I just started taking the medicine, and I didn't feel it was really okay, but I was a virgin at the time, I didn't have sex now She doesn't have a problem with her, and she can't even get pregnant now, “she told Stackie.

After taking medicine for just two weeks, Davis went to the hospital for pulmonary embolism.

“I almost died,” she said, and her friend added that she had died of a blood clot to take hormone contraceptive.

“But for some reason, you still think,” Oh, it doesn't mean insulent. ” , “She says.

After suffering from pulmonary embolism, Davis began to feel a headache.

“I recovered from pulmonary embolism. They noticed that I had blood coagulation disorder, and combined with contraceptive, it was thrown a thrombus. But I started to feel headache and did the same PCP. I went to see and said, “Hey, my head is really terrible, I'm about to take a college class, I just had my wedding, and I didn't do Tylenol. Cut, “she explains.

Davis stopped contraceptive at that time, but her primary care doctor told her to “calm down”, and she said, “I really felt stressed.”

Her headache continued, and she finally noticed that her eyesight had failed.

“We set up a Christmas tree until my mother came to visit for Thanksgiving,” Davis says. “She asked me to give me a purple Christmas decoration, and I had two of them, and I couldn't know which it was. ”

“Eventually, the accumulation of the optic nerve system was to accumulate cerebrospinal fluid that imposed visual nerve, and I was very late to come to get appropriate diagnosis. “There was nothing I could do,” she explained, “I will never meet again. There is nothing they can do for me.”

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