

Massive chunk of ice falls from the sky, pierces roof of Florida home and no one’s sure where it came from

The sky is falling!

The Federal Aviation Bureau has investigated Florida's unusual incidents, stating that large -scale ice chucks have fallen from the sky and hit their local homes.

“I couldn't believe it,” said the resident's Mike Bishop I talked to the weather of Fox。 “I have never heard it in my life. This is the first time.”

The FAA said that a large amount of ice lumps fell from the sky from the sky from the sky on Monday to investigate. Palm Coast Fire Department
The FAA said that a mass of ice that fell into Florida's house may have arrived from the aircraft on Monday. Palm Coast Fire Department

The Palm Coast Fire Department said that the case occurred at 3:39 pm on Monday, and a “large lump” landed on the roof of the seminol forest house, leaving a large hole in the house.

“When the caller is hitting a neighbor's house, he reported multiple ice scattered across the road.” The department said on Facebook。 “When we arrive, the crew discovered a metal roof hole and the remaining holes of the ice that entered the residential area.”

Local fire officers said that the holes from the falling ice were covered with tarp and the housing owners were able to remain. Palm Coast Fire Department

No one was injured and the holes were covered with tarp, so the housing owner remained.

FAA Spokesman said on Wednesday that the agency was investigating this post, and probably had a simple explanation in the accident.

“The water may leak and ice may be formed outside the aircraft,” they said. “When the aircraft gets off and the temperature warms up, the ice may melt and fall.

“When the FAA reports such an incident, the institution will determine whether the ice has come from the aircraft and try to identify the potential aircraft.”
