The Christian nationalism argument has always been a fraud. That is why, by the grace of God, I, one of the largest audiences of Bible-believing Christians in this country, did not bother to join the discussion. Instead, I waited for those provoking it to reveal its true purpose.
And last week it finally happened.
The spirit of the age does not permit forgiveness. All that is required is compliance.
First, “Politico”published unintentional self-parody Distrust of Christian nationalists’ belief in such fanciful things as “natural law” or what the American Founders called “the laws of nature and the laws of nature’s God” in the Declaration of Independence. It has been announced. The Spirit of the Age website also confidently claimed that natural law has recently become more popular in recent decades. This would probably be news to Thomas Aquinas, who wrote about such things in works such as Collected Theology.It was first published in 1265.
I think time is now as fluid as gender.
In any case, he is clearly not one to shamelessly expose his own invincible ignorance, as is often the case in these godforsaken days, as the co-author of that thoughtless piece boasts. . Appeared In a televised asylum known as MSNBC. why? One surefire way to tell if someone has the “signs” of a Christian nationalist is whether they believe our rights come from God, not the government, says It’s something to do.
And there it is!
If you actually read and understand America’s mission statement in the aforementioned Declaration of Independence: “Our rights come from God, not from government,” then you are a Christian nationalist. Therefore, according to Spirit of the Age, anyone who is a sincere Christian and an honest student of American history – anyone who understands our cultural heritage – is a threat to society. .
That’s what this whole sham non-argument discussion has been talking about from the beginning.
It always slanders the brethren, and sadly too many brethren have fallen for it and been divided over it. We do this because we truly desire acceptance from this world rather than pursuing devotion to the Creator. So we really need people who hate us and will break a stained glass window without blushing to know that “we are not alike.” Them A type of Christian. We don’t like them either. Don’t lump us in with the knuckledragger. ”
And foolishly, how was your simple act against the zeitgeist received by its beneficiaries? It went on and I lumped you in with the rest, but still, thank you very much. So, for those of you who call yourself the more enlightened types, since you have received your full reward, please graciously accept your field as cultural potters.
As my colleague Orron McIntyre recently said on my show, this has always been a cynical and diabolical ploy to rebrand Christianity with white nationalism.85% of white evangelicals voted for Donald Trump 2016, white evangelicals made up 20% of the total electorate and voted for Trump by a wide margin of 78% to 16%. This is a crucial base for Republicans, and one that Democrats have no chance of winning. This means Democrats have nothing to lose and everything to gain by slandering voters that Republicans cannot capture.
Sadly, the soil for planting such weeds was contaminated by some Christians. Well-meaning people have wasted their time trying to discuss and argue in good faith about things they never intended to be honest in the first place. It was just a pitchfork that hell itself placed in our garden, and we gladly stepped on it.
If you are guilty of loving the Lord while daring to show respect for real American history – and those of you who have mixed opinions about Donald Trump are now There are many – then you will just be found guilty in a court of law. A force that seeks to destroy the last sliver of a country that was once considered exceptional. And no amount of nuance or “conceit” will save you. Because the spirit of the age does not permit forgiveness. All that is required is compliance. When you enter Tolerance Boulevard, you will notice that it is always a one-way street.
The debate that never existed is over. Now we are all Christian nationalists.