

Inside Super Bowl 2025 betting — how ESPN Bet concocts wild props, including Gatorade color

-twenty two

Betting a super bowl is an overwhelming and impressive experience for fans nationwide.

The obscene amount of betting can be used in Super Bowl 2025, but it is a strange props that no one bets on most of them.

“The color of Gatorade is always the most interesting props for the price,” said Adrian Horton, an ESPN BET North American Sports Director Adrian Horton. “I know that this is the right price because there is no odds compiler, so these odds will not pay much. Last year, the color of the gatorade was in the top 30 [most bet-on] Market of the whole book. It gets a really incredible engagement. “

This post reported last year that before the Super Bowl 2024, it was probably a hit because the color of GATORADE was drastically inflated for insider information.

Fanatics SportsBook gained 60 % of money, so the betting was a hit with a lot of books on the day of the game.

The inflow of such bets caused purple odds to fall on Sunday of the Super Bowl, and the price in Draftkings moved from +275 to -130, and the crazy natives completely attracted the market.

It turned out that anything that caused purple support was sage. The chief scorch Andyead was soaked in the color of the Gatorade after winning 25-22 overtime at 49ers.

This year, ESPN BET has posted that BIG Money has not moved this market, but SportsBooks is closely looking at the market as it approaches Sunday.

“There is a period between those who are talking about it in X until Sunday, and those who are pretending to know what they are and which colors are advertised,” said Horton. “It's gaining momentum, and we'll see the inflow of it, and we will respond quite quickly.”

Andy Reed receives an orange gatad bus. Icon sports wires via Getty Image

A large amount of bets accumulates a certain amount of responsibility, but the nature of such a market is interesting for Betters and bookmakers.

What is a bet that is too big for the color of the gatorade?

Horton could not identify the size of the bet that was happy to take the color of the gatorade.

However, FANDUEL does not seem to be happy to take a 4 -digit bet (accurately $ 1,026) with a +195 odds from an unrogged account.

“If you bet on that size [five figures or more] Regarding the color of the gatorade, Horton continued, saying, “It's perfect, what's going on here.” “Most of the bets we take are small money, which is a big inflow of bed count, which is that everyone throws 5, 10, and $ 20 for interest.”

Betting the color of the gatorade is a popular prop.
Betting the color of the gatorade is a popular prop. Getty Image

On the other hand, other strange bets such as coin toses are priced as true 50/50 (each side +100) that has not been charged, but it may be very large.

“We just bet on the coin toss fairly … this is a real 50/50, no one can have an edge … and we believe in it. I look at the steering wheel. “I think this is the 7th or 8th betting market for gaming props. It's crazy. There are winners and losers, but generally they can be balanced.”

Are you ready to start betting Super Bowl 2025?

It is expected that Americans will legally bet $ 13.9 billion in the Super Bowl this year. According to the American Game AssociationAnd these bets are extensive in consideration of the amount of parameters provided by this year's book.

ESPN BET also stated that the player was very interested in setting a record in Super Bowl 2025.

Eagles star Saku -on Berklee says that the post is the most betting Super Bowl MVP candidate for 33.5 % of the steering wheel, just running 205 yards to Rams on January 19.

Reasons to trust New York Post Bet

Erich Richter is a blue belt of Brazilian Jiu -Jitsu, but he has a black belt on MMA betting. During the soccer season, he made a large -scale profit in the post of the Player Prop Market in the last two seasons. While always betting on a long shot, his investment return has been 30.15 % since 2022.
