

Israel May Propose Moving Palestinians from Gaza to Indonesia

Washington DC -Israel has learned that as part of a widespread regularization agreement, he is considering proposals to move part of the Palestinian Gaza population to Indonesia.

As reported last year by BREITBART NEWS, Indonesia (the world's largest Muslim country by population) is part of Israel, as part of the process of participating in the world -leading industrialized economic cooperation and development agencies (OECD). I am eager to normalize the relationship.

Similarly, President Donald Trump is eager to accelerate the normalization of Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, Israel and the Arab and Muslim states.

Trump also proposes Palestinians to move Palestinians from Gaza to other Arab countries. This is the fact that the territorial strip has been a flash for the war for many years. However, other Arab countries, especially adjacent Egypts, and nearby Jordan (there are a majority Palestinian) have refused to accept the Palestinian refugees.

Washington DC's Israeli negotiation team is paid to another proposal. Move a part of the Palestinian to Indonesia. In Indonesia, it is a group that straddles India and the Pacific Ocean, where many uninhabited islands are suitable for redo residence.

There are about 2 million residents of Gaza. Some parts -those that do not support Hamas can probably stay. The rest will be relocated instead of remaining in Gaza tents for years, as many of the damaged or destroyed houses have been rebuilt in the war.

BREITATABRT NEWS asked the White House to comment on the proposal. I haven't received any response yet.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet President Trump in the White House in the second half of Tuesday. He has been the first foreign leader to meet President Trump since his inauguration.

Joel B. Polak is an advanced editor of Brightbart News BREITBART NEWS SUNDAY Sirius XM Patriot is from 7 pm to 10 pm on Sunday (from 4:00 pm to 7 pm). He is the author Agenda: Trump should take his first 100 daysYou can order on Amazon. He is also the author Trump's virtue: Lessons and heritage of President Donald TrumpAudible is now available. He is the winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Association Fellowship. Please follow him on Twitter @joelpollak
