

Weatherwatch: What’s driving California’s extreme weather? | California

CHanging weather patterns may not have been top of mind when Bob Dylan wrote “The Times They Are A-Changin’,” but his lyrics now seem apt. I can think of it. Rising greenhouse gases are changing global weather patterns, and new research explores how rising emissions may change atmospheric circulation patterns, resulting in more frequent extreme weather events around the world. is shown.

The North American state of California has been on the front lines of the climate crisis in recent years, swinging between extreme drought and excessive rain. To understand what may have caused these extreme events, researchers looked at three major factors in the region’s weather and how greenhouse warming has affected these factors. We modeled the interaction between

The result is Natural climate and atmospheric scienceshowed that climate warming is likely to change the course of the jet stream and cause weather patterns to become fixed over western North America for more than a month.

In California, blockages in these circulation systems cause weather to flip from one extreme to another. From years of drought to constant storms. Unfortunately, this “climate whiplash,” as some are calling it, is likely to get worse as the planet warms, arguing that urgent action is needed to address the climate emergency. is getting stronger.
