

Will Trump’s Cabinet expose the Obama CIA’s BIGGEST secrets?

The Senate confirmation of the Trump's Cabinet sought out without doubt about why the slander was afraid of exposing government corruption, but one Trump picked it further.

In the Senate's confirmation hearing to become a director of national information, Tarushi Gavard mentioned the CIA program in the Obama era, called Timber Shikamoa. The program has given weapons and training to a group of Al Qaeda with the goal of defeating the Syrian Assad administration.

However, Americans and many soldiers fighting in the Middle East were kept in the dark. And Gabard was not satisfied with it.

“I was a member of the Senator, especially as a person who joined the army to attack al -Qaeda terrorist attacks, and to do what I could do to defeat these terrorists, that was a shock. The target, betrayed, and for everyone, everyone, 9/11, their family, and my siblings in my siblings, and my siblings and sisters were really Syria's administration. I learned about President Obama's double program, who started to overthrow, “said Gabard.

GABBARD explains that it brought a “war that changes another administration in the Middle East”, and DOD trains and equipment programs began under President Obama, and “ultimately more than $ 5 billion is moderate. I was used to work with Al Qaeda affiliates on the ground. ”

Glenbeck “Glenbeck Program” is not very satisfied.

“Most Americans have never heard of Obama's woody more, probably, our small spy institution is a training strategy that runs the largest gun that has left.” How many people died throughout the Middle East? How many terrorists trained and trained by our government? Al -Qaeda? ”

“What are you going to learn in the next few months? What are you exposed?” Glen asks Glenn.

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