Post Shared by X Italy claims it bans same-sex couples from becoming parents.
🚨Breaking news
🇮🇹Italy has banned same-sex couples from becoming parents.
— European Invasion (@EuropeInvasionn) October 16, 2024
Verdict: False
New Italian law blocks surrogacy services. The country's new law applies to all couples, not just same-sex couples.
Italy's parliament has reportedly made it illegal for citizens to travel abroad for surrogacy services. Reuters. The new law is expansion Regarding the existing ban on surrogacy services in the country.
Post made with X Italy's new law bans same-sex couples from becoming parents, it claims. of read the caption“🚨Breaking News: Italy bans same-sex couples from becoming parents.''
That claim is false. no reliable sources of information Reported Italy has completely banned same-sex couples from becoming parents. Instead, recent Italian legislation provides that: Surrogacy services only. The new law applies to all italian couplesincluding same-sex couples.
Same-sex couples continue to be allowed in Italy adoption Under certain circumstances. Court of Cassation in 2021 confirmed the decision The Milan Court of Appeal has allowed adoptions made abroad by gay couples to be recognized.
Giorgia Meloni, President of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Italy, said: Post to X Following the Italian Senate 84-58 Approval of the bill. (Related: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni did not say Russia would be forced to surrender)
Determines the approval of the Senate and determines the universal and final evaluation. Norma di Buoncenso takes care of women's bodies and Bambini. La vita umana non ha prezzo e non e merse di scanbio.
— Giorgia Meloni (@GiorgiaMeloni) October 16, 2024
“With final approval in the Senate today, a bill that makes surrogacy a universal crime is finally signed into law. Common sense rules against commodifying women’s bodies and children. Human life has no price. , not a product,” Melonis' tweet was written in English and translated by Check Your Fact using Google Translate.
Check Your Fact has contacted the Chairman of the Council of Ministers for comment.