

Jeremy Brown says it was a ‘painful error’ to believe Trump’s Jan. 6 pardon would free him from prison

January 20 Lattle, Jeremy Brown sits in his bunch of Colombia's specialty ward, as the defendant was receiving a good news on January 6th and the president's pardon and a criminal offering from prison. I was crushed.

President Donald J. Trump has announced a declaration to named the nine vows who will be notified before the sentence is served. The 50 -year -old Brown in the tumper assumed that he would be on the list. When his name was not in commuting, his calm was broken.

“I have assaulted my roommate for about 10 minutes about not understanding what this means,” Brown wrote in the back of Atlanta's federal prison bar. “Then I broke and cried.

“Mom, they are not out of me.”

“The 50 -year -old 20 -year -old operator is now doubled and cried like a baby,” said Brown. “I cried until I couldn't do it anymore [cellmate] Jason simply hung my shoulder lightly and said the only thing he could do, “I'm sorry, I'm sorry.”

Brown's life has been turbulent since President Trump took office. He wonders why he is still trapped after he is pardon. Brown's lightly guilty case at DC on January 6 was rejected by prejudice based on the new DCU lawyer Edward R. Martin Jr.

Brown's guilty conviction of the weapon owner in April 2023 was issued by Judge Zia Faruqui, a US Security Judge Zia Faruqui, provided at a tampa house on January 6. Brown said he could not release it for the Florida case and the sentence of 87 months. According to the lawyer, Florida's case was on January 6th, covered by Trump's pardon.

Brown is a recovery of the advertisement of a weapon brought to him in 2021, refusing to refuse to become an information provider of the FBI joint terrorism task force in December 2020. I've been claiming. He said that two agents tried to recruit him Spy the oath keeper。 He refused and released almost three months later a recording of a talk with the JTTF agent.

Jeremy Brown has been a US Army Green Beret for over 20 years in a special unit. He is sitting in the Federal Prison, which is waiting for the release of the president's pardon.Photo Provision: Tylene ALDRIGE

Just as these late time was January 20, it was a painful preview with the future. There will be more broken heart and disappointment, and more. Brown was forgiven by President Trump on January 20, but even 14 days later Brown was imprisoned and only one was disappointed.

“The main problem is that people have permitted me to convince me what it would be,” said Brown. “It was a painful mistake.”

With the declining day of Washington DC's inauguration, the story began to flow into J6 inmates and walked out of the front door of dozens of federal prison.

“Maybe this will happen.”

“The other J6ers of my pod (the other five, including my cell mate, including the Jason Task) began to be delighted, and I started thinking that this will happen,” said Brown. I said. “The late release and the late release news gave hope.”

Immediately before noon on January 21, the door of the brown cell opened, the guard intervened, shouting that Brown had a hard time believing.

“You've been released with brown, tasks, and luggage!” “My immediate reaction to him,” Oh, don't do F ** K with me! ” “He laughed,” No, you're here! “The next sentence was” I'm not going to discuss with you! ” As soon as possible, I rushed into the bag, document, postal, and newspapers. ”

Brown had some fear, even if his cellomates celebrated their freedom in pending.

“Before the sunrise, we were back to the chain.”

“Even if we packed and Jason celebrated, I told him,” I don't believe it until we go out! ” ”

Women's former US former S appeared in the corridor, and released brown on the surface and released. Brown immediately called his girlfriend, Tylene ALDRIDGE. I came to DC with Brown's mother in case the brown came out.

“When Tylenee answered, I was able to hear the excitement of her voice because they said they were free,” says Brown. “She told me that she was already out. After that, I returned to the cell to wait.”

Brown did not need to wait for the news for a long time, but was stabbed violently.

“Eventually, a DC prison captain came and” You are no longer in our control. Former S has you now! ”

The Oath Key Pajeremy Brown will rescue women after falling down on January 6, 2021 at the US Council's Upper Terrace police station.Photo from Sandi Bachom/Getty Images

Former S pulled the brown from his cell phone and told him that he was not released.

“As she said she wouldn't be released, she seemed to be more disappointed than me, because I smiled with it.” I just ask if she is convinced. I said “OK” and asked to use the phone again. ”

It was a call that feared Brown making. He called his mother when he could not reach Al Dridge. He didn't want to tell her.

“Mom, they haven't let go of me,” “Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” so I heard that her tears began. It's like her. I didn't have much time, I told her that she loved her, then returned to my cell phone and left it a few hours ago. ”

Brown returned to his cell, but was bare for his expected release. 26 hours after his trial, Brown had a hard time finding the advantages of his situation.

“Well, I have my own room now, so I can take ** T with privacy,” he thought.

Within a few hours, all five podmates returned to their cells and withdrawn their own release.

“You shouldn't have been here.”

“We were quiet and disappointed at most of the night and spent the ground zero,” he said. “There is no food. There are no extra clothes. There is no way to call. There is no freedom.”

On January 22, the visit from a nurse was a signal that brown was about to move. She took everyone's temperature. The most reliable signing inmate has begun to move.

One day after the holding cell, Brown was loaded on a van with the other seven prisoners and drove 8 hours to the Pike County County County in Kentucky, Kentucky. The brown was put in a cell 20 x 20 cells and was given. “Pretty good chicken sandwich” and sleep mat. “Before the sunrise,” he said, “We were back to the chain.”

In a five -hour vanride, Brown took him to the Glayson County Resident Center in Rey -Field, Kentucky. He was assigned to a cell designed for 10 people, and the other 15 men were joined.

Former Army's Green Beret, Keypajelemy Brown, stops answering questions on January 6, 2021 from elliptical to the US Council.Photo of Luke coffee

“I will stay through the weekend here,” said Brown. I was 16th. At the end of the floor right next to the bathroom. joy! “”

On January 27, it was said that Brown was moving again. On the male chart waiting for the van, the brown destination was painted black. It wasn't until they progressed that Brown learned that his destination was FCI Atlanta, a low security prison in northern Georgia. 6 hours with a shackle. When we arrived there, Brown was only one of the 11 men in Atlanta's prison. He was assigned cell # A3614 to the 6th floor.

On January 30, Brown was summoned from his cells.

“Then, just before 4 pm, I asked,” Brown, 614! ” I went out and the police officer shook me. He said, “Why did you call you all day?” I told him, “I'm not here!”

“Pack everything”

“That's when he said it. The words I was waiting for.” I will pack all of you and report it to R & D. ”

Brown asked the two phone people what they mean.

“Both of them said,” You are home !! ” ”

Brown asked the guards what was going on. He said he didn't know.

“I'm a 20 -year -old Green Beret fighting veteran. I led the Hello team that jumped out of the plane in the dark with over 20,000 feet. This is the most nervous so far I've been in my life. I was! ” “Because last week is said to be free once in half!” He laughed. I didn't. “”

Brown was not released. His belongings were taken away from him. He was issued a yellow pants and returned to the cell.

“The only thing I said was that you wouldn't have been here, so the former S. former S will come and take you.” ”

Former S is not brown. His family and supporters cannot understand why he is still detained and closed by prison and former US STA. His lawyer Caroline Stewart is a Brownway, as he is seeking help from DC's White House and DC's new US lawyer office.

President Trump has promised to act on behalf of the defendant on January 6 within the first nine minutes of his administration. Brown is seeing these 9 minutes change to 14 days. He wonders if he will go under President's pardon until he was released on December 4, 2027, or will be in Atlanta Prison.

“This is not a news story or advertising complaint running along the bottom of the screen,” Brown said. “This is my life, my freedom, more than 1,215 days (I have lost the count), think about the moment I wake up, expose the truth, and get out of this place in victory. It is the moment I went.

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