Michael McCall Honorary Diplomatic Commissioner (Republican Party, Texas, Texas) cited US estimates and said that Russia had been kidnapped by Russia since Russia began invasion of Ukraine.
“How would we feel about it if foreign enemies took 260,000 of our children and they were in an educational camp?” McCall asked Fox News Digital.
He, a Republican member of Texas, has recently been restricted from his diplomatic committee, but has been working on the world stage, increasing his awareness of Russia's atrocities in Ukraine. The worst is the migration of thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia, and the majority has not yet been returned.
According to McCall, some parents are forced to let go of their children because the Russian army threatened their city, but in some cases they were “invading and capturing children.”
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Honorary Honorary Diplomatic Committee Honorary Michael McCall has left the House of Representatives and talked about his efforts to focus on thousands of Ukrainian children who were taken to President Vladimir Putin Russia. (Getty Image)
In February 2023, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest for Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Russia's child rights and rights, Maria Revova -Verois, “a war crime of expulsion of illegal countries.” [children] And the problem of illegal transfer [children] From Ukraine's occupied area. “
Riboba -Verois was sanctioned by the United States last year over the plan, which has been widely accused of the western government.
However, Kremlin has denied alleged war crimes and has argued that it is conducting humanitarian activities to promote Ukrainian children. NPR reported.
However, existing reports from returnees and other places describe the forced teaching on the Russian precincts. According to it, some of these children are under military training. Ale University Humanity Research InstituteProbably preparing to fight at the forefront of Russia.
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After a Russian attack in the Ukrainian's Zopolie on December 10, 2024, an emergency service is being active to rescue civilians under the rubble of the destroyed building. (Photo provided: Saporyja Military Management Bureau/Distribution Materials/Anadol, Getty Image)
The number of children taken to Russia is estimated to be over 20,000 to 250,000.
As part of McCall's activities to raise awareness of Ukrainian children by Russia, Documentary with the titleAt the Munich Security Council next month, the “Ukraine War from the children's eyes” by film director Evgeny Afinefsky.
He has also cooperated with Save Ukraine, a non -profit organization that works on the return of children.
“In the documentary, it looks like an adult is taken to this prison, where adults are put in, but they basically use electrodes to give electric shock under nails and genitals. But it's very barbaric, “said McCall. 。
Last year, he led the Foreign Affairs Committee and held a hearing on this issue.
McCall said that Russia's kidnapping was one of the worst allegations of violations of the Geneva Convention. He compared it with an experimental Jewish child and adult by the notorious Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele.
Ukrainian President Walodimil Zelensky has led the country through the invasion of Russia. (Genya Savirov/AFP, via Getty Image)
“It's just evil, that is, all civilizations trying to catch, in other words, killing enemies on the battlefield, from their perspective,” said McCall. “However, catching and reconstructing children, as you know, reminds me of experiments for Mengele children … and I don't think I've seen this in recent society. “
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Last year, the lower house passed a resolution of 390 to 9, a bipartinese in support of a Russian kidnapping Ukrainian children.
“It's really scary. As a father, I can't imagine where my children are taken to the Russian Federation, and I don't know where they are or what's going on,” said McCall. “But this is all part of President Putin's game, teaching Ukraine children to be against their countries and beliefs.”
Elizabeth Erkind is a FOX News Digital political reporter and led the House of Representatives. Previous digital signature fields can be viewed in Daily Mail and CBS News.
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